Returnees: Daunting issues related to reintegration

Hundreds of Rwandans have been returning to the country from the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) where they have lived for over a decade, setting into motion a reintegration plan as a spill over  of the joint Rwanda-Congo military operation that is seeking to flush out FDLR rebels.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hundreds of Rwandans have been returning to the country from the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) where they have lived for over a decade, setting into motion a reintegration plan as a spill over  of the joint Rwanda-Congo military operation that is seeking to flush out FDLR rebels.

The ongoing influx of returnees will see the National Unity and Reconciliation Commission (NURC) and the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission being engaged in efforts to fully absorb them into the mainstream society.

One critical issue has to do with changing the mindsets of some of the returnees who harboured extremist ideologies. Some of the statements which were made by these returnees during the period of their long exile,are in fact sad to say the least.

Commentators are keen to know what the key two public authorities have in store for these returnees in terms of crafting a reintegration agenda that will ensure that extremist mindsets are amended for the common good of the society.

Apart from that, resettling people especially the former combatants into civilian life is a challenge in terms of financial and related considerations.

For NURC, it would look as if  the hosting residents will need sensitisation on the best approach to interact with some of the ex-combatants to avoid local backlashes. 

Other residents especially genocide survivors out of deep seated emotions at seeing the returnees  may wish that those who are complicit are  locked up in prisons immediately upon  stepping on Rwandan soil.

The returnees must also be prepared to handle an element of what one may refer to as ‘culture shock’, as 15 years of absence means that they will witness changes taking place in Rwanda in different ways.

Some will be amazed while others will be overwhelmed by what they will see around. Acts of impunity which characterised the way of life in the kivus where the FDLR held sway is one thing the returnees will have to abandon as Rwandans are basically law abiding citizens.

However what is apparent is that the unity of Rwandans can only  befostered by committed citizens who are ready to burry the hatchet and move together in the interest of the nation.
