REG coach salutes his players after Carre d’AS title success
Monday, July 29, 2019
REG won Carre du2019AS after beating UTB 3-2 at NPC gymnasium on Saturday night. Courtesy.







Rwanda Energy Group men’s volleyball club head coach Benon Mugisha Bavuga has praised his players after they fought back to win the 2019 Carre d’As tournament at NPC gymnasium on Saturday night.

UTB started the better side winning the opening set 25-20 but Mugisha’s men quickly reorganised to win the next two sets 26-24 and 25-20. UTB then responded winning the fourth set 25-22, thus forcing a decisive fifth set which REG won 20-18.

"We are finishing the season on a high note. I am very proud of my players who fought hard for the win. We lost against them (UTB) in the qualifiers but I am very excited about the mood and attitude of our players” he added.

His opposite number, Fidel Nyirimana, said, "It is very hard to take but we were simply unlucky. We tried our best to win but we failed due to small mistakes.”

However, University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies (UTB) were crowned champions in the women’s category after beating RRA 3-0.

UTB overcame holders Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) 3-0, winning 25-22, 25-20 and 27-25 respectively.

On top of the trophies, the winners also received Rwf350000.