Police cautions undisciplined Officers

The Rwanda National Police is warning all its officers that whoever will be engaged in any form of misconduct including insulting or mistreating members of the public or his colleague(s) will be seriously punished.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Rwanda National Police is warning all its officers that whoever will be engaged in any form of misconduct including insulting or mistreating members of the public or his colleague(s) will be seriously punished.

This is in response to an article Published in The New Times (January 06, 2009) of a police officer (superintendent) who was engaged in exchanging unnecessary bitter words with a former police officer whom he said had provoked him on telephone.

RNP responded to this issue by summoning the officer before the Disciplinary Committee and blamed him; he was given a last warning since it was the first time to act in such a manner.
All police officers know very well that RNP has zero tolerance on any form of indiscipline or crime.

RNP calls on coordinated efforts with members of the public in order to achieve our common goal which is preventing and combating any form of crime.
                                                                                               Insp. Willy Marcel Higiro

The police spokesperson