Perfect Weekend…..with Sergeant Robert Kabera

Sergeant Robert Kabera, 29, is the bandleader of the national Army Jazz Band. He has however released his own tracks which include: ‘Weekend’ a hit that brought him to the limelight on Rwanda’s music scene. Having sung about the ‘Weekend’, SundayMag caught up with this music maestro so that he could share with his fans what constitutes his Perfect Weekend. Read on: If all goes well, my weekend kicks off at 5p.m on a Friday. I go home, pick my sports attire and head for the Alpha Palace gym with my girlfriend…in order to start the weekend in healthy form.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sergeant Robert Kabera, 29, is the bandleader of the national Army Jazz Band. He has however released his own tracks which include: ‘Weekend’ a hit that brought him to the limelight on Rwanda’s music scene. Having sung about the ‘Weekend’, SundayMag caught up with this music maestro so that he could share with his fans what constitutes his Perfect Weekend. Read on:

If all goes well, my weekend kicks off at 5p.m on a Friday. I go home, pick my sports attire and head for the Alpha Palace gym with my girlfriend…in order to start the weekend in healthy form.

At exactly 7p.m, we finish up with the workout. We then go home for refreshments as we prepare ourselves for a wild weekend! I love Calvin Klein’s collection.

And for that matter, blue faded jeans, baggy T-shirts and a headgear is a perfect blend for a flattering remark, and my lady in short pants. We quickly go out for the dinner, or sometimes on a drinking spree, or disco...depending on our mood.

On Saturday evening, I’ll be at La Palisse Nyandungu swimming, either with my friends or alone. At 5p.m, I’ll go back home and rest while watching movies.

My favourites are fiction, horrors and love based stories. However, I also enjoy listening to slow music, especially when I’m having a nap. And will join my friends later in the evening.

Sundays, more often than not, I’m at home working on my private affairs, like composing and writing my songs. I normally wakeup at around 11:30a.m, have a cold shower, breakfast and then lunch at 1p.m.

To be honest, I enjoy cooking, and Sundays are the only days I can eat the food that I prepared by myself. My favourite meals include: posho, matooke, and Irish potatoes, accompanied with meat and beans.

To cap it all up, by 8p.m I am through with dinner and by 10p.m I am in bed. That’s my kind of Perfect Weekend.
