A day in a life of....: A Tailor

“I have been into the tailoring business since 2005,” Robert Hakizimana starts as a way of introduction. Below, in his own words, is his typical day: I wake up at 6a.m, prepare breakfast then have a shower. I organize my room after having break fast then set off for work at Nyabugogo.

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Robert Hakizimana.

"I have been into the tailoring business since 2005,” Robert Hakizimana starts as a way of introduction. Below, in his own words, is his typical day:

I wake up at 6a.m, prepare breakfast then have a shower. I organize my room after having break fast then set off for work at Nyabugogo.

By 7:30a.m I am usually at my place of work. Straight away I do some sweeping and cleaning up of my work area. During morning hours, I mostly deal with men’s clothes. Business usually picks up about mid-day. I always find time to have lunch regardless of the many customers.

I continue with tailoring until 6:30p.m when I close shop. I sometimes visit friends but make it a point to be home by 8:30p.m since I hate moving at night.

I bathe as soon as I arrive home. Then I prepare supper while listening to music. I sometimes wash my clothes at about this time and also carry out some ironing.

By 9:30p.m I make sure I have finished everything, pray and then go to bed.
