Relationships: Better to say NO than cheat

Considering love the central point of relationships, ‘NO’ often qualifies for a disaster. A no is blamed for putting an end to relationships since any misunderstanding starts with the two lettered word. But is it really necessary to say yes to everything?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Considering love the central point of relationships, ‘NO’ often qualifies for a disaster. A no is blamed for putting an end to relationships since any misunderstanding starts with the two lettered word. But is it really necessary to say yes to everything?

Though there is that negative part of the NO, it may have serious benefits attached to it. Saying no redeems a lot in a dying relationship and keeps love glowing. It sounds confusing but strong and lasting love depends on figuring out what one’s spouse loves or what they hate. This credits a NO for making lovers know each other better.

Traditionally, it’s common that saying no to anything is a sign of rudeness. This makes people end up making promises they will never achieve and ending up lying to people they really care about.

Indeed we have all fallen victim to betrayal just because of people not getting straight about this or that. Yes a NO hurts at times but it’s the only way to face reality and find ways to carry on.

NO saves time and resources, especially in young relationships. Lovers have been hurt along the way just because they weren’t told the truth while starting the whole ‘love’ thing.

"I always got scared of saying no to my ex-boyfriend’s love advances, because of all he had done for me,” says Mercy Akariza. Like many other girls, guys have been there for them and find it scary to shun their advances.

Little do we know that love is deeper than merely returning someone’s favours. Many have had secret relationships or even worse things just because they never stopped unwanted relationships at the onset.

It’s better to say you have no love interests in a person than marry behind his back yet you pretended to love them all along! A heart broken by a NO will always heal than one that has suffered betrayal.

A no also shows that a person is principled and they don’t take things for granted. Any one would love having a responsible spouse, one that isn’t pushed about things.

Remember you can never please the world, even when you say yes to everything. Be yourself say NO to what doesn’t please you.

Saying no doesn’t mean being rude, always give reasons for it and if they can be resolved then resolve them. A no can change a spouse to the best, be it in discipline. If they really love you, they will change for the best.

I probably should have warned before yesterday…so you wouldn’t have to accept that Valentine request. Duh!
