Editorial: Had a great Valentine, we hope

Hello we at SundayMag hope you had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday. Probably many of you are still tingly over all the excitement and the love. As it were, even here at the SundayMag, love is still in the air. The chocolates, gift wrappings and all…

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hello we at SundayMag hope you had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday. Probably many of you are still tingly over all the excitement and the love. As it were, even here at the SundayMag, love is still in the air. The chocolates, gift wrappings and all…

To all the lovers, we wish you all the best and we hope Valentine’s Day cemented what you have even further. To those who were not fortunate enough to celebrate with those you love or you hoped would love you, February 14 will be back before you know…that is…next year.

In this issue, don’t expect stuff on Valentine’s Day, except here or there…but we have lot’s of juicy-stick-to-your-sit or bed kind of stuff. Please, enjoy.
