Gisenyi- A Rwandan paradise

Gisenyi is a magical town on the shores of Lake Kivu and the border of Rwanda and the democratic Republic of Congo. There is still so much to discover there. One can catch sight of the remains of the most recent volcano eruptions; see the beauty of the hilly islands in Lake Kivu as well as explore the neighbouring culture of the Congolese. 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gisenyi is a magical town on the shores of Lake Kivu and the border of Rwanda and the democratic Republic of Congo. There is still so much to discover there. One can catch sight of the remains of the most recent volcano eruptions; see the beauty of the hilly islands in Lake Kivu as well as explore the neighbouring culture of the Congolese. 

Lie on the beach at the Serena Kivu hotel. For the price of a drink, you get a towel and use their pristine beach. Try out the beach at the Palm Beach Hotel—on weekends they play music on the beach…but as it’s a public beach, the locals might stare at you in your swimsuit!

Walk down the Avenue of Cooperation, which leads from Serena Kivu down the waterfront to the border with Congo. Have brochettes and sautéed potatoes at La Nouvelle (also called Chez Sadro).

Enjoy a refreshing beer at the open air bar La Bamba, located in town near the Auberge de Gisenyi. This seemed to be the best spot for soccer and music enthusiasts.

For a quieter drinking experience, have a Uganda Waragi and Fanta Citrus at the Bikini Tam-Tam bar on the beach, past Kivu Sun. Take an evening walk on Nyamyumba road, it’s famous for its cleanliness and well neat trees plus flowers.

Your destination will be at The Hotel Paradis and it’s said that the best grilled Tilapia is served there. Maman Chakula’s, on the road before Hotel Paradis is also an option for a romantic evening.

Pick your fish from a bucket of the day’s catch (prices range from USD1.50-2.50 for the fish, depending on the size) and for USD0.80, have it grilled while you wait.

It has great tables down by the water, and you can watch the fishermen. If you want to have your fish around a bonfire, head to Hotel Paradis. You could also try the Sambaza delicacy.

In Nyamyumba, you could negotiate with a fisherman to give you a boat ride to the hot spring or out to the island just offshore. It only goes for USD5. Otherwise, Hotel Paradis has a boat, whose ride costs USD20 the last time I checked.

Go to the Video Club downtown and have a CD of modern and traditional Rwandan and East African music burned according to your taste.

Visit White Rock (also known as Chez Nyanja), the best nightclub in Gisenyi also rumoured as the best in Rwanda. On the edge of the lake, the DJ spins a mix of R&B, reggae, and African music. The place is always full on Saturday nights at about midnight.

Stipp Hotel is another option for night clubbing. Check out the Nyiragongo volcano from the center of town at night. On a clear night, you can see the red smoke!

Buy some traditional fabric in the Gisenyi market—it’s great for tablecloths, wall hangings, etc, prices range from Rwf 2,500 to 9,000 ($4-$17).

Dine on Saturday night at Serena Kivu—it features a delicious spread of Rwandan, Ugandan, and Western food. The place is reputed for its desserts and salads.

Get a cheap manicure and pedicure at the Vogue Salon, across the street from the nightclub. Have your hair braided here—but don’t come in on a Friday or Saturday, because brides awaiting stylists occupy all the seats!

The Serena Hotel has a great location; food is good (they hold a jungle party for at least one night in a month. The starts from USD150 and above. Stipp hotel is good and moderate in prices as it ranges from USD50-80 per night.

Hotel Ubumwe is wonderful and at the same time cheap. It goes for USD20-50 a night. La Bella is also descent and only goes for USD20. They say it’s Like Switzerland in its looks. With all these options, enjoy and explore Gisenyi.
