Motivation to do Right

As a young child my greatest ambition was to please my father. I did not see much of him but one thing I knew was that he wanted me to be the best student. In fact the only time he caned me was when I threw a tantrum and refused to go to school.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

As a young child my greatest ambition was to please my father. I did not see much of him but one thing I knew was that he wanted me to be the best student. In fact the only time he caned me was when I threw a tantrum and refused to go to school.

That memory was engraved in my mind and has driven me and my siblings to seek education and strive to be the best. What do you think motivated me to honor my father’s wish?

It was a child’s great love and admiration for a parent who instilled his greatest values in his children and those around him. Long after his death, I lived by Dad’s principles and my greatest fear was to disappoint him by failing in life.

This special parent-child bond is the foundation for a child’s upbringing and the greatest motivation for obedience, good behavior and success. Loving parents are their children’s best friends.

They strive to give the best to their children, not by spoiling them as some do, but by giving them the best education, spending lots of time with them and being exemplary.

The reason my father’s principle of striving to be the best held was because he set a record for me. I regarded him as a hardworking and successful man and tried to emulate him.

Parents have to be role models for their children because they are their prime overseers and spend the longest time with them.

Unfortunately many people fail in life because they lack the motivation to do right and generally adopt a careless attitude in their behavior. Some people’s lives have been ruined by poor upbringing, negative influence and exposure to social malpractices.

Most of the turmoil in the world is caused by bad governance, indecent influence and lack of upright leaders to change the trend of things. The devil indulges people till they lose self-control and destroy themselves.

However God who is our creator and father has never given up on Humanity in spite of its moral decay. As a last option, God sacrificed His only begotten son Jesus Christ to redeem the world from sin. Jesus led an obedient life that culminated in death- at the command of his father- to save mankind.

The reason He obeyed was because He trusted in God’s will and ability to resurrect him as well as self-less love for his earthly brethren who would otherwise have perished.

Fortunately Jesus is alive today and active in the life of whoever accepts to make Him a role model. He conquered evil and death so if you lack the motivation to do right, invite Him into your life and He will change your behavior and history.
