OCIR – THE Scoops best exhibitor award

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE—A ten-day trade exposition came to a close on Saturday with OCIR – THE Kitabi; tea processors scooping the most coveted Best Exhibitor award. The exposition attracted 52 local and regional exhibitors and was visited by over 40,000 people from the province.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


HUYE—A ten-day trade exposition came to a close on Saturday with OCIR – THE Kitabi; tea processors scooping the most coveted Best Exhibitor award. The exposition attracted 52 local and regional exhibitors and was visited by over 40,000 people from the province.

Officiating the closing ceremony, Mayor Aimable Twagiramutara called upon exhibitors to improve on the quality of their products.

"This year’s exhibition has been a learning experience for you. Quality of your products must be improved especially if you are to benefit from regional markets,” said Twagiramutara.

The mayor also promised to look into a possibility of constructing permanent show grounds, a wish expressed by many exhibitors.

Other companies awarded medals include telecommunication giant MTN Rwanda, Radio Salus and Nyirangarama Enterprises. The trade exposition was organised by the district private-sector federation.
