Obama-not the answer to Africa’s problems

Editor, Quoting a commentary that ran in your daily paper recently about the American President Barack Obama being the true African Messiah, “He has to be the answer to the prayer vigils going up from the dry wells and plains of Zimbabwe; the liberator of the tortured, sick, hungry and helpless widows and orphans braving the conditions whilst roaming the streets of Darfur, Harare, and Congo.”

Friday, February 13, 2009


Quoting a commentary that ran in your daily paper recently about the American President Barack Obama being the true African Messiah, "He has to be the answer to the prayer vigils going up from the dry wells and plains of Zimbabwe; the liberator of the tortured, sick, hungry and helpless widows and orphans braving the conditions whilst roaming the streets of Darfur, Harare, and Congo.”

The paragraph is self explanatory that a lot f people believe in him but to me and my fellow Christians, this is nothing but pure blasphemy! I think The New Times should consider their readers’ religion.

It is true that a lot is expected from him but can we all wait and let him prove himself? So far, the best he could do in his first week of office is to legalise abortion.

How then can someone have the nerves to say that he is the hope for the orphans? Think again.

Concerned Christian