Police reaction to a Kicukiro resident’s letter

Editor, The Rwanda National Police would like to thank a Kicukiro resident for the letter in these pages complaining about two police officers seen throwing pieces of paper through a car window at Kicukiro roundabout.

Friday, February 13, 2009


The Rwanda National Police would like to thank a Kicukiro resident for the letter in these pages complaining about two police officers seen throwing pieces of paper through a car window at Kicukiro roundabout.

Rwanda National Police recognises the cleanness and beauty of our (Kigali) City that is a pride to all of us and we agree that the Police remains at the forefront in keeping this treasure.

Those officers appeared before the disciplinary committee and were seriously blamed although they denied the offence.

We would like to assure all Rwandan citizens that Rwanda National Police is committed to deal (discipline) anybody who contravenes the set laws and regulations.

Let’s all together keep our city proper and clean.
Police spokesperson