Regional company to train 30 local SMEs, consultants

Enterprise Uganda is to train about 30 Rwandan Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The ten day training starting Monday, is to empower local entrepreneurs with skills to manage their day-to-day business challenges.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Enterprise Uganda is to train about 30 Rwandan Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The ten day training starting Monday, is to empower local entrepreneurs with skills to manage their day-to-day business challenges.

Antoine Rutayisire Manzi, the Director of Entrepreneurship and Business Growth in the Private Sector Federation (PSF) said, "This will help SMEs understand the operations of their businesses.”

"This is expected to help develop SMEs, which constitutes greatly to the performance of the private sector,” he explained. He added that after the training, each participant will be visited to identify his challenges and then draft solutions.”

"The 30 participants as pioneers will also pass on the knowledge to others in the next programme that will be running every six months, every year,” Manzi explained.

The training is funded by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), a continental institute based in Harar, Zimbabwe through the Rwanda Private Sector Capacity Building Project.

Enterprise Uganda is an institution designed to support the government in realising its objective of promoting the development of SMEs to become the main vehicle for expanding production, providing sustainable jobs and enhancing economic growth.

The programme comes close to a year after a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between Enterprise Uganda and PSF to roll out their entrepreneurship development programmes (EDP) in the Business Development Services (BDS) Centres across Rwanda.

It is because of this agreements that PSF, in its entrepreneurship and business growth agenda plans to establish an entrepreneurship development centre.

Enterprise Uganda acts as the entrepreneurship development centre in Uganda. It is a global initiative that is spreading in developing countries through UNCTAD.

Enterprise Uganda is an institution designed to support the government in realizing its objective of promoting the development of SMEs to become the main vehicle for expanding production, providing sustainable jobs and enhancing economic growth.

The training which is expected to highlight EDC comes in handy with ten modules, including among others; Entrepreneurship Training Workshops, Business Health Clinics, Business Opportunity Identification, Business Counseling, Preparation of Business Plans, Client Accounting and Book-keeping Services (CABS), marketing skills development solutions, installation of quality management systems and Intrapreneurship training for the private sector.
