Eastern Province: RPF members pledge high turn up in July polls
Monday, May 13, 2024

In a town hall meeting that took place on Sunday, May 12, RPF Inkotanyi party members in Eastern Province pledged to turn up in huge numbers in the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.

The general elections - Presidential and Parliamentary - are set to take place countrywide on July 15.

The party members reiterated their commitment to mobilising voters and ensuring that every eligible member casts their vote on election day.

In Rwamagana, Cyanya cell, Abdulaziz Munyabugingo, a party member in charge of the disciplinary committee in his village emphasised the importance of every vote in shaping the future of the country and urged his fellow party members to continue their efforts in spreading awareness and mobilising support for the ruling party with an emphasis on the youth who will be eligible to vote this year.

He said that: "Voting is a right that should not be taken for granted, and it is crucial for every RPF Inkotanyi member to participate in the decision-making process of our nation.

"We encouraged all eligible party members to register to vote, and participate in voter education workshops to inform the youth about the importance of exercising their democratic rights. It is essential that we work together to ensure a strong voter turnout in the upcoming election and vote for our party candidate, Paul Kagame."

The RPF Inkotanyi's 2024-2029 manifesto aims for sustainable economic development and skill development, a 40% increase in agriculture and 60% increase in industrial output, 250,000 job creations annually, and modernization of transport networks both in rural and urban areas,among many others.

Farida Uwambayimpundu, another party member in Cyanya cell, Rwamagana District, said that she is happy with the RPF's 5-year manifesto and is prepared to participate in the July presidential and parliamentary elections because during the party's manifesto review in villages, it supported infrastructure development, as well as access to health care and education.

She said:"Party leaders told us they will construct 18 kilometers of road network in Kigabiro; we have also seen women have access to rights on land and the government's efforts in combating gender-based violence. As women in this community, we are pleased to see these positive changes taking place and we are sorting requirements for eligible voting of our party manifesto."

Organising voter education programmes to inform citizens about their rights and responsibilities during the upcoming elections, is part of the electoral commission's roadmap.

The Eastern Province voter list had over 1.6 million voters in 2017, while the 2022 voter list for local mediators had over 2 million voters, representing a difference of over 370,000 new voters aged 18. According to party members, mobilising youth who are yet to vote for the first time will ensure a 100 percent turn up in the voting exercise.

Similar assemblies took place across villages in the country this past weekend.

During these meetings, members were also reminded that while cadres can make a contribution towards the party for the organisation of the forthcoming elections, the act is purely voluntary.