The enduring impact of maternal love: Heartfelt reflections on Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother’s Day is a celebration honouring mothers and motherhood, as well as the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March or May, people around the world use the occasion to express respect, gratitude, and love towards mothers and the women who shaped lives with love and unwavering devotion.

As people celebrate the day, The New Times’ Shallon Mwiza spoke to a few people who shared fond memories of their mothers and offered a glimpse into the profound impact of maternal love from their perspective.

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Tito Kimenyi, Content creator and comedian

My mom’s tears that day spoke volumes about her love for me. Despite knowing the rules, I asked her to bring me some snacks at school, and she risked everything to fulfil my simple request. When she was caught and everything was taken from her, seeing her burst into tears broke my heart. It wasn’t about the food—it was about her unwavering devotion to making me happy, even if it meant facing consequences. That moment taught me the depth of a mother’s love, and I’ll forever be grateful for her sacrifices.

Annelyse Kaneza, Entrepreneur

One of the most poignant memories I have with my mother is the day she shared her struggles with me. We were sitting and chatting at home, with tears glistening in her eyes, she recounted the challenges she faced raising me. Despite the hardships, her unwavering determination and resilience shone through as she spoke. In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of admiration and gratitude for her strength and sacrifice. It was a deeply emotional experience that brought us even closer together, strengthening the bond between us in a way that words cannot fully capture.

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Kevine Umurerwa, Employee - Kigali Serena Hotel

My mom’s intuition is nothing short of remarkable. Even though I tried to hide my struggles, she sensed my pain and reached out to me when I needed her the most. One evening, amidst a breakdown, she invited me to dinner, sensing that something was amiss. As we sat across from each other, her comforting presence and genuine concern washed over me, and I poured my heart out to her. At that moment, I realised that mothers have an innate ability to understand their children’s emotions, even when words fail to convey them. It was a profoundly emotional experience that reaffirmed my belief in her unwavering support and unconditional love. No matter what challenges lie ahead, I know that I can always count on her to be there for me.

Syvestle Nsengimana, Poet

My mom’s decision to prioritise my well-being over her own happiness is a testament to her unconditional love. She chose not to remarry to ensure that I had the best life possible. Her sacrifices were evident in every aspect of our lives, from working multiple jobs to making ends meet and putting my needs before her own. She explained that her sole focus was on providing me with a stable and loving home. Her selflessness and resilience have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful for her unwavering commitment to my happiness. In her steadfast resolve, I found strength, and in her unwavering love, I found solace. She is my greatest inspiration, and I will always cherish her for the sacrifices she made to give me the best life possible.

Elizabeth Tanganyika, Reporter - Isango Star

During a challenging time, I felt overwhelmed and in pain, unsure of how to handle the weight of the world. I kept my emotions bottled up, fearing impulsive reactions could harm my relationships. However, my mother provided solace and understanding. Her wisdom, rooted in her Christian faith, encouraged patience and prayer to overcome challenges. Initially perplexing, her words became evident over time. Now, when facing adversity, her counsel provides comfort and reassurance. Her guidance has become a beacon of strength, reminding me of her resilience. The influence and wisdom of a mother are unparalleled, shaping and empowering us long after their words are spoken.

Gido Uwikunda, Leader - Ibuka in Kimisagara

During the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, a mother’s unwavering love and sacrifice stood out in the darkness. She bravely ventured out of her hiding place, searching for water and food to sustain me. Despite the uncertainty and fear, her maternal instinct to provide for her child outweighed any personal peril. Her selflessness and resilience serve as a testament to the boundless love between a parent and child. Her sacrifices, both small and monumental, embody the epitome of maternal devotion and courage, illuminating the depths of a mother’s love even in humanity’s darkest hour, and that memory makes me feel like I owe her a lot.