Thanks Mwenda

Allow me space to thank Mr. Mwenda Andrew for appearing on cross fire progamme on Contact FM. The man is eloquent, brilliant and truly informed, or call it experienced.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Allow me space to thank Mr. Mwenda Andrew for appearing on cross fire progamme on Contact FM. The man is eloquent, brilliant and truly informed, or call it experienced.

This is the man whose articles I have been reading in the Daily Monitor. His articles were that touching and informative coming from an academician. I agreed with his arguments on foreign aid.

Citizens of this country are the ones to develop this country and not aid. It’s only in the private sector, entrepreneurship that we can drive this country’s economy from the bottom into an economic tiger.

If the rate of education we have today raises or moves on in that direction, in the next three to five years, this country will be poverty free, and then, we will forge concrete measures towards industrialisation.

We would wish to have people like Mwenda, who are nationalists and of course informed on current, developmental and optimistic about the future of Rwanda.

Thank you.

Hosea Kalisa

National University of Rwanda