200 women receive solar radios

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — Over 200 women grouped under four Cooperatives in Kimonyi Sector in the Musanze District have received solar power radios.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


MUSANZE — Over 200 women grouped under four Cooperatives in Kimonyi Sector in the Musanze District have received solar power radios.

The radios were donated this week by a Spain based NGO, the Nutri Foundation, in partnership with a local NGO, Fair Children and Youth Foundation.

Addressing the beneficiaries, most of whom are widows engaged in making art crafts and agriculture, the President of Fair Children and Youth Foundation, Elijah Nduwayesu, urged them to get actively involved in income generating activities in order to improve their economic status. 

The women who received the donations said that the cultural set up dictated that men have a right over family radios since they are the ones who buy them including the purchase of  batteries and as such they were the ones who dictated on their wide usage.

Beatrice Uwamariya, the Musanze district coordinator of the National Women Council advised the beneficiaries to work together under cooperatives and to use the radios to follow government programmes, instead of using them to only play music.

The overjoyed beneficiaries who were first given instructions on how to operate the radios said they would broaden their knowledge through listening to various radio programmes.
