What is happening to our pastors?
Through your newspaper, allow me to ask these people of God what’s really happening to them. I am always shocked to read about their conduct and I keep wondering which people we should trust.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Through your newspaper, allow me to ask these people of God what’s really happening to them. I am always shocked to read about their conduct and I keep wondering which people we should trust.
Soon, many Christians are going to run away from these churches because pastors no longer practice what they preach. It’s unfortunate that what they preach is not what they do.
Dear pastors, you should always be exemplary in order to influence your followers by being examples to the people you lead.
I am writing this following Pastor Charles Murenzis case where he was arrested for alleged defilement of girls. Please pastors, think twice before you involve yourselves in such crimes.