Vision 2020 may come earlier

I wish to share with fellow Rwandans on the possibility of Vision 2020.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I wish to share with fellow Rwandans on the possibility of Vision 2020.

For many of you who have been hearing about Vision 2020 in just visions or dreams, or just reading administrative documents with this ambitious plan-vision on them, I would like to tell you that I have studied it, attended seminars and shared a word with people from high echelons about it.

This is how the vision is going to be a reality within just a few years even before year 2020. Recently, I came to know how this Rwandan vision will be a reality before the prescribed year.

Vision 2020 is no longer a policy to be implemented in ministries. There is now what they have called vision 2020 Umurenge. The vision has been decentralised from national to district level, to Umurenge.

Each district will have one Umurenge per year, where all efforts will be concentrated, meaning that as prescribed in the vision 2020; education, health, infrastructure, sanitation, all developmental activities are to be enforced in one umurenge for the whole year.

In the next year, it goes to another umurenge, until all mirenges in the district are tapped. Tell me if the Vision won’t be attained by 2020.

I think this will be a lasting solution to unemployment because then, our academicians will no longer be concentrated in Kigali, they will be in mirenges where jobs will be available.

All these comes because of the President of the Republic’s endless effort to fight against poverty, corruption, misconduct, culture of impunity let alone his serious effort in developing the country, and giving it a good image abroad.

The president has made Rwandans be proud of their country, let alone foreigners. I love the way he’s serious with high government officials and the military. I love where he’s taking Rwanda. I love the President, he’s my model.

Thank you.

Hosea Kalisa

National University of Rwanda