Construction workers form cooperative

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI – The District Labour Inspector Olivier Gakuba has urged site managers to uphold rights of workers in the construction industry.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


GICUMBI – The District Labour Inspector Olivier Gakuba has urged site managers to uphold rights of workers in the construction industry.

Gakuba was addressing over 120 construction workers from Gicumbi district who had convened for a one-day seminar at St. Joseph Ruzindana hall on Tuesday this week.

The seminar was aimed at educating participants on their rights and the benefits of forming workers’ cooperative societies.

"Construction workers face many risks while carrying out their duties, which is why employers should provide them with protective equipments such as helmets, overalls and gloves while performing their duties as provided for in Article 132 and 133 of labour Law No. 51/2001 of  Dec. 30 2001,” said Gakuba.

In addition, Gakuba reminded construction workers of their rights to join Social Security Fund.

"All employees are entitled to save with the social security fund regardless of their status,” he added.

Francois Ntakiyimana, the Executive Secretary for Industrial and Construction Workers Union (COTRAF) urged participants to form cooperative societies to boost their income and to form workers unions commonly called (syndicat), in order to protect their rights.

"Cooperative societies shall enable you to put together resources in order to acquire loans from banks and expand your income generating projects,” said Ntakiyimana.

Meanwhile, during the seminar, the group formed a cooperative society named Gicumbi Construction Workers Cooperative Society (COTRABAGI), in which each member shall pay Rwf10, 000 as membership fee at the end of February.

They also elected Jean Bosco Karemera as COTRABAGI chairman, Virgile Uwayezu as secretary and Felicien Nzabanterura as treasurer.

Jean d’Arc Ingabire was elected in charge of gender and each of the members present at the seminar paid Rwf500 to kick start their activities.  
