APR shun Nantes for Rennes

APR Fc has opted for Rennes over Nantes for professional trials of three of their players; Haruna Niyonzima, Elias Uzamukunda and Jean Mugiraneza.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Jean Mugiraneza.

APR Fc has opted for Rennes over Nantes for professional trials of three of their players; Haruna Niyonzima, Elias Uzamukunda and Jean Mugiraneza.

The club’s Secretary Aime Kayinamura told Times Sport yesterday that the trio will have their trials in Rennes because the club showed keen interest and is also more competitive than Nantes.

"Rennes showed keen interest in our players and offered fully paid spells for the trio to and from Paris,” Kayinamura said.

"We are trying everything possible to enable them depart for Rennes before the end of this month,” Kayinamura said.

Kayinamura further added that they want to give a chance to the trio to realise their professional dream.

"If they pass the trials, it will be a boost for them and for Rwanda. We hope to finalise everything if their trials materialize,” he added.

The trio was outstanding in the just concluded African Youth Championship. It is Niyonzima’s second go at a professional level after having his first trials with French outfits Bastia Fc.
