UN decorates Rwandan troops for peacekeeping in CAR
Thursday, May 09, 2024

Rwandan peacekeepers (Rwanbatt-12) serving under the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic (MINUSCA) were, on May 9, decorated with UN medals for their commendable efforts in peacekeeping operations in the Central African nation, according to a statement from Rwanda Defence Force (RDF).

MINUSCA posted on its X handle that the Rwandan contingent of MINUSCA that received UN medals on May 9, comprises 750 peacekeepers, including 36 women.

The ceremony took place at Rwanbatt-12 headquarters located at Socatel M’poko base camp in Bangui – the capital of CAR.

It was presided over by Valentine Rugwabiza, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of MINUSCA.

ALSO READ: RDF officers in CAR decorated

In her address, Rugwabiza expressed gratitude for the significant contributions of the Rwandan peacekeepers towards maintaining peace and stability in Central African Republic.

She underscored the importance of their service to both the mission and the people of CAR, acknowledging their unwavering commitment and professionalism in fulfilling the UN peacekeeping mandate.

Lt Col Joseph Gatabazi, Rwanbatt-12 Commanding Officer, expressed appreciation for the support and guidance provided by MINUSCA leadership and various stakeholders that enabled the contingent to fulfill the mission.

He urged all Rwandan peacekeepers to continue their dedicated efforts for the remaining duration of their mission.

The ceremony was attended by various officials including CAR government officials, the Head of the Rwandan Diplomatic Mission in CAR, Olivier Kayumba, and members of the Rwandan community in CAR among others.

It is not the first time for Rwandan peacekeepers in CAR to be honoured with UN service medals.

According to information from RDF, Rwandan troops first deployed to CAR in January 2014, and, as of November 24, 2023, Rwanda had more than 2,000 soldiers serving in CAR under the UN Peacekeeping mission. Rwanda also maintains more than 1000 soldiers deployed in CAR under bilateral agreement, it added.