Curriculum, teaching hours, and language of instruction in schools
Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Good education is one that is organised in such a way that it skills a learner and prepares him/her to be a productive citizen. For this reason, the Government of Rwanda established Ministerial Order N°006/2016 of 08/01/2016 Ministerial Order Determining Curriculum, Teaching Hours and the Language of Instruction in Primary, Secondary and Specialised Schools.

Article 2 of the Ministerial Order establishes that students in lower primary school learn seven subjects. These include Kinyarwanda, English, mathematics, social and religious studies, sciences and elementary technologies, creative arts (music, dance and drama, fine art and crafts), and physical education and sports. The hours of contact per week are set at twenty for lower primary.

In upper primary, students are mandated to study the aforementioned subjects, for 20 hours per week. The only difference is that they additionally learn French.

Students at Ordinary Level in secondary schools are mandated to study 12 core subjects and one elective. Co-curricular activities which include physical education and sports, and library and clubs are compulsory. The number of contact hours per week is set at 30.

Advanced Level students are also set to study 30 hours per week and can choose from science combinations, humanities, and languages. For every combination, they study five to six core subjects, and one elective. It is compulsory for the advanced level students to participate in co-curricular activities, including religious activities, sport/clubs, computer/library, and free periods.

A person with a disability that does not allow him/her to follow the same education with other learners is to be enrolled in a specialised school with a curriculum and teaching hours set by Rwanda Education Board (REB). The nature of disability is put into consideration. This is according to Article 3 of the Ministerial Order Determining Curriculum, Teaching Hours and the Language of Instruction in Primary, Secondary and Specialised Schools.

If a person with a disability is able to follow their education with other learners, they are facilitated with the appropriate learning materials to do so.

Regarding the language of instruction, Article 4 of the Ministerial Order Determining Curriculum, Teaching Hours and the Language of Instruction in Primary, Secondary and Specialised Schools, says that in lower primary, "all subjects except English language shall be taught in Kinyarwanda.”

In upper primary, English is set as the language of instruction for all subjects, except Kinyarwanda and French. This is according to Article 5 of the Ministerial Order. English is also the language of instruction for all subjects in secondary school except when teaching Kinyarwanda, French and Swahili.  This is according to Article 6 of the Ministerial Order.

In specialised schools, Article 7 of the Ministerial Order says that the language of instruction for persons with disabilities who cannot follow their education with other learners shall be determined by REB in accordance with the nature of disability.