Traders decry lack of public toilets

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Traders and vendors in Gicumbi district have expressed concern over the lack of public latrines in the trading centres. This they say poses a serious health threat.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


GICUMBI — Traders and vendors in Gicumbi district have expressed concern over the lack of public latrines in the trading centres. This they say poses a serious health threat.

On a busy market day at the Rukomo trading centre, for example, men and women can be seen alighting from taxis and buses for short calls by the roadside.

"You know this place has no public toilets, which is why one has to find a way of easing himself,” said one man. 

The Rukomo trading centre is located in the road junction leading to Byumba town, Gatuna and Nyagatare.

Besides commuters, people from the neighbouring Sectors of Bwisige, Rutare, Byumba and Kageyo who throng the trading centre on weekends have no access to public toilets.

District Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs Ildephonse Butera, acknowledged the problem but said the entire trading centre will be demolished to construct storeyed commercial buildings as per the new district urban plan.

"There is no room for expansion of this trading centre, which is why we told owners of these structures to build storey commercial houses,” said Butera.

The district Director of health Thadee Kibamba said the district has contacted development partners such as IntraHealth; GTZ and UNICEF to put up public toilets at trading centres.
