Look sizzling in those Jeans

Teenagers, crave for peculiar fashion styles that make them outstanding wherever they go. True, guys love baggy jeans and very big T-shirts and as for our sisters it’s always those very skinny perfect-fit jeans.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Teenagers, crave for peculiar fashion styles that make them outstanding wherever they go. True, guys love baggy jeans and very big T-shirts and as for our sisters it’s always those very skinny perfect-fit jeans.

The good news about jeans is that, they can be worn to any place without being arrested by the fashion police. This is only valid if they are properly matched. This is the way to go with jeans.

Guys should look out for medium sized jeans especially when going for a formal function. A well tucked in shirt with jeans will make you look neat. If you want to go casual as you chill with the boys, then getting baggy will do.

For girls, fitting jeans can be worn with almost any blouse. This should always be accompanied by either heels or flat shoes and a matching belt.

Also wearing dress tops, fitting coats and brightly coloured sweaters is the ‘In-thing’. These make you look young and stylish.

So go get smart in those jeans and remember to keep them clean. There is nothing interesting about soiled jeans.
