It is all in the mind

A certain teenage boy used to sneak into his parents’ house late every night. One night as he sneaked in, he heard his mother coming downstairs. He was so terrified that he climbed into what he thought was the kitchen’s cupboard.

Monday, February 09, 2009

A certain teenage boy used to sneak into his parents’ house late every night. One night as he sneaked in, he heard his mother coming downstairs. He was so terrified that he climbed into what he thought was the kitchen’s cupboard.

He closed the door, and he was  automatically locked and trapped inside. When his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he realised he was in a place with a lot of food and drinks. 

He tried to call for help but outside the locked door, his mother could not hear him.  He wished he had not come back home late, otherwise, he would not be  trapped.

After hours of struggling, he figured out what he would tell his mother when he found him in the refrigerator. He actually wished he would stay in and never be found.

He thought about what was important in his life and how he could make a difference when he got out. The next day, repairmen opened the door and found the boy asleep.

They woke him up and were shocked that he had not frozen to death. The  truth is that the boy did not freeze because he never once thought about freezing to death.

Nothing is more powerful in the world than the human mind. How you choose to think will have a major influence on everything that happens in your life.

Someone once said that, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Whatever you think you will become. If you think of yourself as being a loser, then you will lose. If you choose to think success and good things then your life will be successful too.
