Story corner: The unwise son

A Long time a go, there lived a couple with only one child. The couple was blessed with many businesses which made them wealthy. Their son had everything he ever wanted because his parents gave him gifts at his request. This made him neglect his studies so he dropped out of school.

Monday, February 09, 2009

A Long time a go, there lived a couple with only one child. The couple was blessed with many businesses which made them wealthy.

Their son had everything he ever wanted because his parents gave him gifts at his request. This made him neglect his studies so he dropped out of school.

This unwise son refused to listen to his parents and teachers advice to get an education.  He thought his parents’ riches were all his, which was also true.

Years later, his parents were very old and could no longer run their businesses. So they passed this responsibility to their only son.

He did not know how to count money and he gave a lot of free things to his friends. Eventually, all the businesses collapsed because their son lacked business skills.

This family lost everything they had ever owned because of their unwise son who refused to study. The unwise son became so poor and regretted why he had not seriously pursued his education instead of depending on his parent’s wealth.
