Officials say proposed landfill at Nduba will help address public health concerns
Wednesday, May 08, 2024
A truck offloads waste at Nduba landfill in Gasabo District. A plan has been devised to construct a new landfill adjacent to the current facility which officials say will help address challenges linked to the existing landfill. File.

With the aim of easing the longstanding sanitation challenges, the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) and its partners have embarked on an ambitious initiative designed to build a new landfill in Nduba Sector, Gasabo District.

This is in response to inadequate sanitation infrastructure which poses health risks and environmental concerns to the community living in the area. Late last year, lawmakers argued for a hastened relocation of households residing near the landfill, on health grounds.

Members of the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on April 29 directed questions to the management of WASAC which is in charge of operations regarding the proposed landfill facility, with Gisele Umuhumuza, the Managing Director of WASAC, telling the lawmakers that a feasibility study had already been concluded

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Dominique Murekezi, the acting director in charge of water and sanitation development at WASAC, said that upcoming construction works will adhere to modern landfill standards, integrating innovative practices for waste management.

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"This concept involves a thorough segregation process, wherein certain waste materials will be repurposed to enrich soil fertility, while others will be allocated for potential recycling or repurposing in equipment manufacturing,” he added.

Revolutionising waste management methods

Murekezi highlighted the significant shift in approach, stating, "Previously, waste collection merely aimed at preventing environmental degradation.

"Now, we are revolutionising our methods by segregating waste for beneficial reuse. Additionally, partnering with a water purification company ensures that rainwater, previously causing erosion and contaminating neighboring communities, will be cleansed for practical use."

He underscored the multifaceted benefits, affirming that with the implementation of water purification measures and the creation of employment opportunities, the risks confronting the Nduba community will diminish significantly.

ALSO READ: Kigali city tasked to urgently get lasting solution to Nduba landfill

Marcelline Kayitesi, the Director General in charge of water and sanitation at the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA), emphasised the significant impact of the initiative to set up a new landfill facility in Nduba close to the current facility. She highlighted how this effort will improve the daily management of waste, thereby addressing current challenges such as air pollution and the prevalence of flies in the area, linked to outdated methods reliant on soil and compaction.

Kayitesi emphasised that, through collaborative efforts involving WASAC, MININFRA, the City of Kigali, and the Ministry of Environment, this initiative promises to be a sustainable solution.

"It will establish a sanitary landfill with channeled water pipes, ensuring effective waste management. Additionally, this will be done through the implementation of advanced recycling technology.”

"Implementing this initiative in Nduba will have a positive impact on the community by reducing health-related challenges. Moreover, the project will create job opportunities, benefiting the local residents," she added.