Why you should read with your child often
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Reading with children is a discipline every parent should have. Before they even learn how to talk, read to them from day one. Studies show that early reading with children helps them learn to speak, interact, bond with parents and improve their understanding.

Even when they grow, and are able to read independently, kids still need to read with their parents because time spent together is precious.

However, how is reading with children fruitful?

Widens language skills. The books you read with children exposes them to vocabulary (language, expression) on different topics. This gives confidence to children when they speak and act.

Advances a child’s concentration.  A child can learn to be attentive and sit for longer periods of time especially when they are interested in the book, this prepares them for school.

Reading together cheers desire for knowledge. Knowledge is important in all aspects of life. Reading with your child creates curiosity thus leading to questions about the book and the information within. It gives you a chance to speak about what is happening which creates understanding. It may also expand an interest in different cultures or languages.

Grooms their future. Reading with your child also equips them with the skills needed for when they start to read by themselves. Whatever they learn, it will enable them to be good readers.

Sets room for success. Studies have shown that learners who are exposed to reading before pre-school are more expected to do well in school. Books provide lots of ideas and opinions to the readers.

Sustained cognitive development. Reading to kids perks them up and helps in cognitive development. Cognitive development is the emergence of the ability to think and understand; it’s the edifice of thought processes, including recalling, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.

As you read with your child, it advisable to tackle the following. Phonemic awareness, this enables a child to hear, identify, and play with individual sounds in spoken words. Phonics –connects the letters of written language with the sounds of spoken language. Vocabulary –kids have to know how to communicate effectively. Reading comprehension –enables little ones to understand and get meaning from what has been read. Fluency (oral reading) –helps them to read text correctly and fast.

Boosts a special bond with your child. Reading to your children on a regular basis can help create a stronger relationship with them. Each time spent with the little one, matters. Reading to them offers a chance for you and your child to build trust and expectations of them counting on you always.

What you should know

As you read with children, don’t be too serious. Have fun and be humorous. Use this as an opportunity to create different character tones to really engage the child. Don’t feel disheartened if a child gets distracted or interrupts story time with questions. It is part of the learning process.

Indicate books on the reading list that match with the age of the child. Look for stories that showcase diverse experiences, backgrounds, religions, people’s lives, identities and more to help your child imagine themselves in the books.
