RITA large screen technology: A luxury!

Editor,I commend the efforts of Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA) under Rwanda Development Board (RDB) for bringing to us the latest in technologies; however, my worry is that their priorities are misplaced at the moment.

Monday, February 09, 2009

I commend the efforts of Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA) under Rwanda Development Board (RDB) for bringing to us the latest in technologies; however, my worry is that their priorities are misplaced at the moment.

By virtue of ensuring that our country becomes an ICT hub in the region, I would love to think that they have priorities such as streamlining our education system and facilities with the latest technology to ease students’ accessibility to information and educational material.

I also think that more technology should be used to help advance the state of our healthcare systems. By this, I mean that new systems should be created to deal with the long queues that many of us find at medical healthcare units.

It is evidently clear that we have far more pressing needs than watching football or musical shows on large screens and such resources should better be put to more all encompassing urgent societal needs.

While large screens have been set up to broadcast soccer and entertain people, how many schools that are located in the areas surrounding these stadiums have well equipped classrooms? How many homes have flowing water or even electricity?

Sports may be loved by many but I guess it should come secondary to the needs of the lay man, after all, how are we able to enjoy the large screen if we are ailing or can not even read the name of our star footballers?

My message to RITAis, first use the technologies at hand to better the people whose lives you want entertained with the large screens before entertaining them with football or music shows on extravagantly priced screens.

They are not necessities but luxuries we can not afford right now.

Thank you.
