Col. Gaddafi must rethink!

Editor,Col Muammar Gaddafi should not force his way to form a one state for Africa. It must be gradual and not through incitement and intimidation of members.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Col Muammar Gaddafi should not force his way to form a one state for Africa. It must be gradual and not through incitement and intimidation of members.

Gaddaffi’s partnership with the traditional leaders to front his cause is very dangerous and a threat to national unity. He is undermining the state authority and I fully concur with the resistance he is facing from some governments.

As a Christian the use of the term "king of kings” for Col Gaddaffi is also abominable as it renders the Bible fake! It definitely implies that a different man other than Jesus was crucified.

Let us avoid all selfish ambition or domination and seek for what will bring Africa together in perfect unity, Peace, Love.

God bless Africa.