The Season of Love

In ancient Rome, a feast called Lupercalia was held on February 14th. It was an ode to the God of fertility and a celebration of sensual pleasure, a time to meet and court a prospective mate. During the ceremony Pagan priests dressed in goatskins and sacrificed goats and a dog.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

In ancient Rome, a feast called Lupercalia was held on February 14th. It was an ode to the God of fertility and a celebration of sensual pleasure, a time to meet and court a prospective mate. During the ceremony Pagan priests dressed in goatskins and sacrificed goats and a dog.

They would then smear themselves with sacrificial blood prior to running around the hillside carrying a goatskin thong called a Februa (meaning means of purification).

Women from around the city who wished for fertility and easy childbirth would place themselves around the hill so that the priests could hit them with the February, hence the month February.

Priests would also place names of girls written down on papers in a box from which the young men would select a name and that woman would then be his partner for either the duration of the feast, for the year or even for life.

This ritual gave young girls and boys in ancient Rome lived who lived separate lives a chance to interact.

St. Valentine

There are three St. Valentines in the ancient history of church who all were surprisingly said to have been martyred on February 14th.

However, according to scholars the most relevant St Valentine to the lovers’ day is a priest who was assassinated by the autocratic ruler Claudius II in third century BC.

St Valentine is thought to have defied the orders of Emperor Claudius II to stop performing marriage ceremonies of lovers. The ruling of no marriage was passed as the autocratic ruler believed that single men serve well as soldiers.

The holy St Valentine continued to perform marriage rites for many couples. The Roman king however imprisoned the Saint. While in jail he fell in love with the jailor’s blind daughter, miraculously healed her from her blindness before his death.

When Claudius II got to know of it he ordered Saint beheaded. However the deeply in love St Valentine sent his lover a final note which stated "from your valentine”.

Since then people who are deeply in love send to someone special in their lives a love note always signed as, from your valentine.

Love and Money

Valentine’s Day in Africa is more than just a day for lovers. It is a boom day for Africa’s flower export along with other special occasions such as Fathers day, Mothers day and the Christmas period, states The African Executive magazine.

"Flowers are a huge business to African countries, top on the list being Kenya. Others include: Zimbabwe, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.”

According to Ms Jane Ngige, of the Kenya Flower Council, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day in Europe and the US, account for between 30 to 40 per cent of annual turnover for the Kenyan flower farms.

"I don’t know where it is going to,” said Mr. Gikundi, 31, told the Guardian UK, while harvesting a batch of cerise roses in a vast greenhouse that feels almost as warm as a Turkish bath. "But I know that they are selling them somewhere.”

Mr. Gikundi, 31, a worker at Oserian flower farm in central Kenya at a past valentines’ day.”

In South Africa, the verve for the festival is like any other festival in South Africa. Most commonly observed tradition includes going out on a romantic date with one’s Valentine.

According to this traditional festival, young girls pin their lovers name on their sleeves. At some places, men also follow this custom.

Shops and market places are adorned with fragrant flowers, love symbols like cupid, love birds, hearts in traditional African style decorations.

Week long parties and celebrations take place in clubs and hotels. This culture is slowly creeping info modern African society including here in Rwanda.

Flower sellers in Kigali will make a kill selling their roses to the Rwandans who celebrate Valentine’s Day. Ladies will be seen spotting something red.

Serena Kigali is one among many recreation establishments that are planning romantic dinner for revelers on the evening of February 14th.

On the website, a new rose variety for valentine called the Red Naomi, is serenaded with romantic lingo to woo lovers in just one of the few cases where Valentines is closely linked to spending money.

"Red roses are to Valentine’s Day what kisses are to love; they make it much sweeter. Thanks to her beauty and her lovely scent, Red Naomi!® will become a Valentine’s Day symbol.”

It is hard to believe from those words if the Red Naomi is just a flower. And so are the various associations, from the mythical history to the day to day perceptions of the so called season of love.

Many traditionalists however believe the Valentine culture encourages immorality. In Asia, the day usually comes with protests from pro-good values campaigners.
