Laptop computers for executive secretaries

SOUTHERN PROVINCE NYAMAGABE—All sector executive secretaries in the district have received laptop computers worth Frw17m from the PAGOR project.

Monday, October 08, 2007


NYAMAGABE—All sector executive secretaries in the district have received laptop computers worth Frw17m from the PAGOR project.

Receiving the donation, vice-mayor in charge of economic affairs Emmanuel Murangwa hailed the organisation, a capacity-building project funded by the Canadian government.

"We have embarked on a programme of proper information management,” said Murangwa. "This cannot be possible if local leaders do not have proper equipment to handle such tasks.”

He called upon the beneficiaries to take proper care of the equipment and use them to better their work. On the question of sectors without electricity, Murangwa said that tenders had been awarded for the installation of solar panels.

In a bid to boost information communication technology in the district, primary and secondary schools in the area have been provided computers to aid student learning.

On the same day the district held an open-house day where it showcased achievements made and challenges in the implementation of performance contracts. Talking to journalists, Murangwa said that the implementation of performance contracts was still on course.

"We have registered improvements in the sectors of health, education and social welfare. It is hoped that by the end of the year we shall have achieved our targets.”

He aid that health centres providing family-planning services had been increased to 15 in addition to other centres near health facilities run by religious organisations.

Murangwa said that, in order to guard against famine in the district, residents had been encouraged to store surplus foodstuffs, especially cereals during times of bumper harvest.
Nyamagabe district was ranked third in the latest evaluation exercise carried out by the province.
