Kouchner’s allegations on Kabuye’s arrest untrue–Govt

KIGALI - The Government of Rwanda has strongly denied recent claims that it conspired with France to have Rwanda’s Director of State Protocol, Rose Kabuye, arrested in Germany and her subsequent transfer to French Judicial authorities.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

KIGALI - The Government of Rwanda has strongly denied recent claims that it conspired with France to have Rwanda’s Director of State Protocol, Rose Kabuye, arrested in Germany and her subsequent transfer to French Judicial authorities.

A statement released by the Minister of Information Louise Mushikiwabo in response to recent press reports attributed to the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, alleging some form of understanding between the two countries to have Kabuye detained, denies any kind of involvement  by Rwandan authorities in the November 9th arrest in Germany.

"The Government of Rwanda categorically states that no such understanding was ever reached whether at the level of Governments or between their officials” the statement reads in part.

Kabuye, currently in France where she is battling accusations levelled against her by French magistrate Jean Louis Bruguière that she played a role in the shooting down of a plane that was carrying former President Juvenal Habyarimana, was arrested by German authorities in Frankfurt Airport last year.

The statement continues to say that the conspiracy reports which emerged last week in different European media are untrue.

"It would be the highest form of cynicism to allege that Rwanda, as a government, and Rose Kabuye as an individual, would conspire with anybody for her to abandon her young children, the comfort of her home and friends as well as her work, to go to a German or French prison – even for a day,” reads the statement.

The claims uttered by the French Minister also suggest that Kabuye could have been aware of her impending arrest and was warned earlier but continued to travel to Germany to prepare a visit by the President.

"The Government of Rwanda does not wish to comment on a matter that is before a court of law and wishes to restate its expectation that Rose Kabuye receives an expeditious and fair trial in the French judiciary” concludes the statement. 

Kabuye who has since vowed to prove her innocence, was shortly released on bail conditions to join her Family for the Festive season before she returned to France on 9th January to respond to the accusations Bruguière levelled against her and eight other senior Rwandan officials.
