Relationships: Change your lover’s world with a compliment

Who has never felt flattered by only being told a simple thing? If I were to give chance to everyone to talk about their best days in life, we would find out that neither money nor gold identify those days. Good days are ones with compliments. How did you feel that day when your friend complimented you on your smartness!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Who has never felt flattered by only being told a simple thing? If I were to give chance to everyone to talk about their best days in life, we would find out that neither money nor gold identify those days. Good days are ones with compliments. How did you feel that day when your friend complimented you on your smartness!

Even the toughest heart can be melted down by a mere compliment. This is simply because compliments are heartfelt signs of appreciation. Who hates being appreciated anyway?

Seeking admiration is very natural that even infants yearn for that simple word of praise. On dissimilar events, I have heard kids asking if they have done this or that right! This is like reminding the elders to compliment them.

When it comes to love relationships, compliments are very instrumental. They reveal that we appreciate the ones we love and they bring joy.

"My boyfriend always compliments my legs. It makes me feel proud that he at least loves them,” says Jacqueline Uwera. To the ladies especially, complimenting their body gives them a sense of security.

Just a word can show maximum attention and trust to one’s spouse. On several occasions lovers defend their spouses about not cheating basing on this.

In other words, admiring comments show that your spouse has all their eyes strictly on you alone. All that bases love is mutual trust, then why not talk good to keep it going.

Love is fulfilling each other, this means being there for a spouse, "for better and for worse.” Come tough times, we tend to be confused about what to tell our beloved ones.

A compliment can be of help in such situations. Imagine you lost a job and your lover confesses that your brilliance will make you obtain another one soon. You obviously wear a smile knowing that someone cares.

Many talk negative about their lovers especially in the presence of friends. This is poison to love and it says you are either interested in one of the friends or that you are a pretender. Lovers have suffered negative talk from spouses.

Things like you have a very tiny behind, toothpicks (a Rwandan slang for small legs), big head, ugly face and the likes. This shows that you either fell in love accidentally or that you are out of it and trying to indirectly tell your lover to move on with their lives. So if they say love is blind, then what gives one the guts of only seeing the negatives of the other!

A compliment puts a smile on everyone’s face; it’s the most priceless gift that one can ever give. As for the negative comments, reserve them, they might make a person hate you forever.
