Illegal immigration at Rwanda - Uganda border to be monitored

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE—In a bid to control illegal crossings of people from both frontiers of the Rwanda – Uganda border, district leaders and security organs operating here have discussed ‘significant’ measures to curb immigration in the area, citing security threats.

Monday, October 08, 2007


NYAGATARE—In a bid to control illegal crossings of people from both frontiers of the Rwanda – Uganda border, district leaders and security organs operating here have discussed ‘significant’ measures to curb immigration in the area, citing security threats.

The border is said to be used by cattle smugglers who smuggle animals from both sides of the border and worries of Foot-and-Mouth disease have been raised.

According to chief inspector of police Damien Gasana, a number of people entered into the district when the national identity card registration was nearing.

A majority of illegal migrants causing a security threat to the district include those who flee from Gacaca courts from different corners of the country.

Residents living close to the border have close relatives and others on the other side and many are able to bypass custom controls using small paths locally known as Panya roads, created by the local residents.

Vice-mayor for economic affairs Anselme Majoro Rurangwa,said that security at the village level and other leaders and residents will be given training on how to handle security on the frontier. Nyagatare district shares frontiers with Uganda and republic of Tanzania.
