The Hater: I hate people who…

…keep their phones on during meetings or church services. If you can remain silent and speak only after being asked to, I wonder why you do not apply the same to extensions of your entourage.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

…keep their phones on during meetings or church services.

If you can remain silent and speak only after being asked to, I wonder why you do not apply the same to extensions of your entourage.

Why on earth should you let your phone go off with a rather disturbing Kibaluma ring tone in the middle of a meeting or church service?

If by the time of reading this, you are still having a phone that has no vibration option then you are a bad influence to Rwanda’s ICT ambitions.

…refuse to open the windows in a public taxi on hot sunny days.

Last week I had beef for those who refuse to shut the windows but while in a taxi from Nyabugogo, I felt like calling my editor and asking him to change what I had just written.

My low economic status had compelled me to sit in an 18-seater taxi with middle aged adults endlessly breathing in and out basically the same air and perspiring at the same time.

Most of the other passengers seemed ok in this mobile oven. I wondered whether this is a cheaper way for economically challenged fellows like me to enjoy the experience of a sauna at the cost of only Rwf150.

…change the radio station once news in English starts.

The editor may help me by making this whole paragraph bold and underlined so my anger can be amplified. If we are really saying that English is the official language of instruction and is now the preferred choice instead of French, why then do some people quickly change channels immediately a BBC broadcast starts. And yet these are the same people who claim to love Obama and the English Premier League!

…who violate the need for body space when conversing with others.

I have realised that there is no law on this and it varies from culture to culture. But when it gets to a point where before the words reach my ears, your saliva is all over my face then may be I should get a restraining order from the courts so that next time you keep a safe ‘dry’ distance from me when talking. For now I need a towel or helmet to stay dry.

…cross busy roads without first looking out for on-coming traffic.

It is not helpful to have a bad day and thus choose to cross the road without checking for the traffic. In case you are not aware, your day may turn out to be the very last if the driver fails to stop for you to cross.

And by the way, you guys are the reason why some drivers spill out obscenities every 30 minutes. Next time look out before putting your mortal frame on the tarmac.

I will not stop hating until you all change for the better. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to