It is a dream for many students to attain their education from prominent schools, schools that make them beam with pride at the mention of their name. However, not everyone can afford such schools. Unfortunately, some tend to think that this translates to limited chances of succeeding in academics; they feel discouraged to even aim high in life.
But is this the case? Should it even matter the prominence of the school one goes to? Do those top-tier schools translate to success in education? Educationists don’t necessarily agree with this.
Regardless of the school one goes to, success mainly depends on the input of the student, according to Damien Nkurunziza, a principal of Kigali City School.
He says he has had a lot of experience with different students, but he emphasises that a school’s background doesn’t necessarily influence one’s performance, hence should not be an excuse for failure.
He is, therefore, of the view that regardless of the school one goes to, students should comply and do all it takes for them to achieve big in academics.
This is why he works so diligently to bridge this gap and change the mentality that some students have, he says.
"Students today, in their different schools, have developed a perspective that their grades will solely be a result of their school; however, as a former student, I normally encourage all students from their different backgrounds that grades are made individually,” Nkurunziza says.
He adds, "Every child can succeed regardless of the institution they go to, and with such a mentality, all students should aim high in their academics.”
François d’Assise Tuyisingize of Petit Seminaire Saint Vincent de Ndera in Gasabo District was one of the best performers countrywide in sciences last year. He says a school is what you decide to make it.
"I think I serve as a good example. For me to succeed, I simply consulted my teachers, I visited the library often and participated in group discussions and prayed to God daily to help me pass. And I am glad I have changed the perception of many in regards to which school one goes to for them to pass,” Tuyisingize remarks.
He, hence, warns students not to let their schools be the sole determinant of their goals, pointing out that many children go to school with the aim of topping their class, which should not be the only priority.
Tuyisingize is also of the view that there should be strategies in place to amend this misconception. This will help offer equal opportunities and therefore emphasise and ensure that students get the best out of whichever school they attend, he adds.