Editorial: Play it safe

Greetings from the SundayMag team. Today, we cover from various angles a serious topic hopefully written in a manner that won’t disturb your relaxation. We all love fun. We all would love a healthy life. However, sometimes out of no choice of ours, things may turn out not as Rosy as we would like.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Greetings from the SundayMag team. Today, we cover from various angles a serious topic hopefully written in a manner that won’t disturb your relaxation.

We all love fun. We all would love a healthy life. However, sometimes out of no choice of ours, things may turn out not as Rosy as we would like.

That might be easily depicted by Evangeline as she seeks advice from Aunt Sylvia. It’s on HIV.

Are you afraid of knowing your sero status? The Insider will reveal what people’s perceptions are on VCT and voluntary HIV tests.

However, it’s not all about such serious stuff. You have your usual stuff on fashion and style, the grapevine, what’s in the know and much much more! Read on and please, always give us your feedback.

Thank you.
