Demolition: Residents say they were not informed on time

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — Claude Munyankumburwa, a shop keeper, stands and watches speechlessly  as local defence forces and hired hands throw his merchandise out, days after the district started to enforce its infamous  demolition order.

Friday, February 06, 2009


KARONGI — Claude Munyankumburwa, a shop keeper, stands and watches speechlessly  as local defence forces and hired hands throw his merchandise out, days after the district started to enforce its infamous  demolition order.

For the last three days, Kibuye town houses which have been slated as unwanted have been under demolition in line with the new town plan.

Munyankumburwa runs helter skelter , in an attempt to look for another house where he could  relocate his business but all in vain.His shop and others are being demolished. An action residents claim to have happened over night.

"It is only five days ago when we were informed that these houses were to be demolished,” he says. He adds that the district authorities  did not give them ample time to look for alternative premises.

‘What the district has done is not good at all. They took this decision hastily and we have no where to go,’ says another trader, Callixte Nsengiyunva, who claims to have spent three days looking for another house for relocation but all in vain.

Residents say they are not against the new town master plan, but argue that at least some commercial buildings would have been constructed before bringing down the old structures. There is only one modern commercial building in Kibuye town.

‘No one objects the move to develop our town but the way it is being carried out is not right,’ Oswald Sebufundi, another trader said. He claims since the demolition started he has incurred a loss of Rwf.200, 000.

‘This is a big loss for small scale traders like us  and this situation is bound to worsen as we have no where to shift to,’ he said.

About 50 houses including shops have been brought down  and only one commercial building is under construction.

Sources from the Karongi district however, say residents were informed early but the tenants were reluctant to shift. Efforts to contact the District Mayor, Bernard Kayumba were fruitless since he is reportedly on leave. 

In a related development, recently, the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) ordered the demolition of all buildings that were constructed in wetland areas in Kibuye. The move, according to Rema is meant to protect the environment.

Rema also warned the district against constructing tourist sceneries near the lake.

The district has constructed different tourist sites on the shores of Lake Kivu, without respecting the 50 meters space provided for by the law governing the environment.
