Minifra clarifys oil story

Editor, In your story titled “Oil exploration takes new shape” published on Feb 2nd 2009, you are attempting to report the status of oil exploration in Rwanda, currently untaken by Vangold Resources, a Canadian oil company which has signed an exploration agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


In your story titled "Oil exploration takes new shape” published on Feb 2nd 2009, you are attempting to report the status of oil exploration in Rwanda, currently untaken by Vangold Resources, a Canadian oil company which has signed an exploration agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Having read the story, I am compelled to write this letter for the benefit of the public to understand.

The reporter states that aerial survey that is being done by New Resolution Graphics, a company sub-contracted by Vangold "has failed” despite the high investment incurred for the project.

I would like to make it clear that Vangold did not at all fail to deliver, as claimed in the article. The fact of the matter is that the company carried out the survey in a professional manner and in line with agreed terms and conditions.

In addition, the results submitted so far are encouraging hence our decision to move the project to the next exploration phase with Vangold.

The question of very high investment again, we do not know where this information is obtained from even if all exploration expenses are covered by Vangold, still we have never heard any complaints about heavy costs incurred.

The fact is that the airborne survey covered well above 60 percent of the exploration area, simply because the nature of the terrain and other constraints to do with logistics, could not allow the aircraft to collect precise data during its turn arounds. I

n order to cover the remaining 40 percent, while ensuring that high quality data is gathered, Vangold intends to use specialised boats with on board equipment which are less sensitive to change of direction.

This programme is expected to commence in time coming two months. As we have been informing the public, oil exploration in Rwanda is still going as per schedule, and encouraging signs are emerging as the programme is carried further.

However, it is premature to confirm or rule out the existence of oil deposits in quality and in quantity in the surveyed areas until seismic surveys are carried out.

Ministry of Infrastructure (MINIFRA)