Gaddafi could be a better AU leader

Editor, So, Muammar al- Gaddafi has been elected Chairman of African Union (AU) after a secret ballot. A well deserved leadership perhaps, after many arm twisting tactics deployed by the sixty-seven year old Maghreb maverick.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


So, Muammar al- Gaddafi has been elected Chairman of African Union (AU) after a secret ballot. A well deserved leadership perhaps, after many arm twisting tactics deployed by the sixty-seven year old Maghreb maverick.

Many Africans are aware of  Gaddafi’s desire to unite the continent, and many support him, not because he has the financial muscle to buy his fellow African leaders to toe his line, but there is a sudden  feeling of urgency, which if not heeded will destroy Africa’s dwindling fortunes as a power broker, at least on the economic front. 

However, Gaddafi has other motives. He has evidently, and perhaps honestly exhibited the desire to be the grand master of this grand vision his forebear, Kwame Nkrumah dreamt of-to be knighted the "King of Kings”.
