Police donate over 100 units of blood to RBC
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Juvenal Marizamunda, deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP), in charge of Administration and Personnel donating blood yesterday. courtesy

Rwanda National Police (RNP) officers yesterday boosted the national blood bank with over 100 Units of blood in an exercise overseen by the National Centre for Blood Transfusion (NCBT).

The voluntary blood giving was led by the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP), in charge of Administration and Personnel, Juvenal Marizamunda, who reiterated that "donating blood means giving life and an important service to the community.”

The blood donation exercise was preceded by the monthly Umuganda exercise conducted by police officers at the Police General Headquarters in Kacyiru.

He explained that the force will remain committed to contributing to causes that save the lives of Rwandans in its wider philosophy of public safety "Safety is a wide aspect; physical security and public healthcare are essential life needs.

This is why police officers remain committed to joining the campaign to have enough blood in the bank to serve those in critical need” he noted

Jane Bamurange an official from Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) appreciated the role played by RNP leadership and the participating officers in the exercise for the usual humanitarian spirit of donating blood.

 "Because of the tremendous response, the Blood Center’s needs continue to be satisfactorily met, we encourage all donors to come back donate again,” she said.

RNP hosts blood drives on a quarterly basis since most people can donate up to once every three months. This puts regular donors on a schedule, which can help with turnout, according to Bamurange.

The voluntary exercise is in line with the Memorandum of Understanding between RNP and Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) signed in March last year, which binds the two institutions in aspects of health and security related healthcare.

The agreement also focuses on fighting against illicit drugs, sexual and gender-based violence; mental health interventions; prevention and detection of fraud and public funds embezzlement in healthcare agencies, among others.
