The moral maze: Is it better to be honest and poor or dishonest and rich?
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Better to be poor and genuine than rich and deceptive

Excessive love for money has led many to deceitful paths with some going to the extreme of extorting others just to earn a certain reputation.

This kind of lifestyle turns someone into a narcissist and fabricator, so much that few would want to associate with.

In my opinion, therefore, it is better to be poor but possess an admirable reputation that appeals to others. Imagine the kind of legacy or reputation we stand to serve if all that matters to us is accumulation of wealth, moreover in phoney ways. Imagine what would be happening now if all our ancestors had done the same.

Destitution is not a bother as long as one is living their life with honour. Otherwise if wealth mattered that much, the world would be a much better place with all the riches it possesses.

In conclusion, therefore, what matters most is how best we preserve our identities.



You can’t be perfect in a flawed world

The world is anything but a perfect place. Many of us will do what we can to get what we want. Considering the society we live in today, being rich and dishonest is better than being poor but honest. At times, what matters is what we do for us to survive.

What moral right do we have to talk about honesty yet we lie about even in the smallest things? Ever wondered how many times you said, "I love it” yet you don’t mean it?

I bet many people know the value of being honest but choose to live otherwise because the truth is we live in a faulty world.

Besides, being honest or not doesn’t define an individual’s character, yet the reason for our actions does.

In short, being deceptive is part of our lives as long as we live in a flawed world.

Most of the problems we face can be addressed with money. Whether it is a beautiful house, a car, education and much more, it all requires money. In all we do, our ultimate objective is to satisfy our needs.

Being poor is undesirable. Life is worth living, and we ought to acknowledge that there’s an expense that comes with this if we want to lead happy and fulfilling lives.