The proud cedar tree

A long time ago, there was a garden in the middle of the forest. It had many beautiful trees and flowers. The garden was really beautiful and all the flowers and trees smelled nice. People would always walk from their houses to go and sit in this garden.

Monday, February 02, 2009

A long time ago, there was a garden in the middle of the forest. It had many beautiful trees and flowers. The garden was really beautiful and all the flowers and trees smelled nice.

People would always walk from their houses to go and sit in this garden. Children would play around the garden as their parents watched them. In the garden was one tall cedar tree. The cedar tree had a cool shade and produced a nice scent.

One day, the cedar tree realised that everyone enjoyed sitting under its shade, so it became proud. It would laugh at the smaller trees because no one ever went to sit by them. These small trees became really sad and could not understand why people did not like them.

The cedar tree felt so strong and beautiful and always declared, "I am better than any of you.” Then it would pour little spikes on the smaller trees until they all withered and died.

The cedar tree was so happy because it was left standing alone. But this was not for long. People stopped coming because there were no small beautiful trees which smelled good.

The cedar tree looked lonely in the middle of the garden and no one wanted to sit in its shade anymore. Eventually a really strong wind blew and uprooted the proud cedar tree.

From this story we learn that we are stronger when we live together with others. Just like the cedar tree we need people to help us in what we are doing .We can help each other in class and we can also play together.

It’s really sad when we don’t have anyone to play with, so we should keep our friends close. Friends are friends even though they are different from us. They can be older, better than us in class and they can be from far away or close to our home.

Our friends encourage us and help us to be better people. United we will stand but if we are divided we will be uprooted like the cedar tree.
