Report on business barriers postponed

A report on business barriers in Rwanda that was supposed to be released in January will be out this month. According to Emmanuel Rutagengwa, Private Sector Federation (PSF)’s policy analyst, “The report was delayed because of the printing which is being done in South Africa. It will be officially released next month.”

Monday, February 02, 2009

A report on business barriers in Rwanda that was supposed to be released in January will be out this month. According to Emmanuel Rutagengwa, Private Sector Federation (PSF)’s policy analyst, "The report was delayed because of the printing which is being done in South Africa. It will be officially released next month.”

He added that the President, Paul Kagame is expected to be present at the official release. Last year, Strategic Business Partnerships for Growth in Africa, a South African firm was contracted to carryout a study on compliance costs and administrative barriers affecting businesses in Rwanda.

Dubbed, ‘Cutting the costs of red tape for business in Rwanda,’ a study funded by German Agency for Technical Cooperation [GTZ] was carried out on 400 businesses countrywide.

About 60 percent of those that participated in the survey were in Kigali city and 40 percent were located in provinces. The study was started in January last year.

Once released the report is to set the pace for ironing out the identified business blockades. As a result improve business trends in the country and attract external investors.
