Rwanda police should be exemplary

Editor, As we think of saving government resources that we spend on city cleaners, other officials in the police who should enforce law are instead failing us.

Monday, February 02, 2009


As we think of saving government resources that we spend on city cleaners, other officials in the police who should enforce law are instead failing us.

Yesterday, as I walked from my residential area to the main road, a police car - RNP023S passed by me and the driver (also a police officer) managed to throw paper through window to the main road.

First of all I was surprised that a Rwandan can do that knowing how our country values cleanliness.

We also take time to thoroughly clean our community  by putting a lot of effort in the work we do on "umuganda” days.

Surprisingly, it was unbelievable that these two police officers committed this act without considering the fact that they should be more exemplary to the public by arresting anyone who did this.

I believe that fellow citizens would be as disappointed  as I was when I saw this being done. Rwanda police should surely give us a better example.
