Ngoma gets new vice Mayor

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — Charles Ntageruka was last Friday elected the new vice Mayor in-charge of finance and economic development for the Ngoma district.

Monday, February 02, 2009


NGOMA — Charles Ntageruka was last Friday elected the new vice Mayor in-charge of finance and economic development for the Ngoma district.

The post fell vacant three months ago after the then vice Mayor, Julius Kansiime resigned reportedly to pursue further studies.

Ntageruka, who has been the district’s director of planning, economic development, infrastructure, environment and forestry, polled 253 votes ahead of his rival Vestine Muhawenimana, who got six votes.

The Electoral College was composed of sector and district councillors. A total of 262 councillors voted out of 566 registered voters. Three votes were counted invalid.

Also elected are Josephine Mukabisangwa and Francine Mukashumbusho who were respectively elected to the posts of President and secretary for the National Council for Women at the district level. The posts have also been vacant for the past four months.

All the newly elected leaders took their oath shortly after the election before the vice President of the Ngoma Higher Instance Court Jumah Habimana.

In his brief inaugural speech, Ntageruka promised to commit himself to his new duties. Ntageruka who was last year voted the best employee in the district and a former war hero also called for cooperation amongst leaders if the district’s vision and the country in general are to be achieved.

Moise Bokasa Karani, from the National Electoral Commission (NEC) who presided over the elections, called on the elected members to pursue a professional approach to their duties.
