Gender equality paramount for development- UNIFEM

The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) has called for gender equality for the establishment of lasting and sustainable peace and development.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) has called for gender equality for the establishment of lasting and sustainable peace and development.

This was made public at the closure of a three day workshop in which journalists were trained on human rights and conflict management.

The workshop was organized by UNICEF in partnership with Haguruka, a local organization which advocates and educates about human freedom.

"For a long time men have been perceived to be more superior to women. If this country and the whole world are to be better, this kind of thinking must change,” Marie Immaculee Ingabire the coordinator of the Coalition on Violence Against Women (CVAW) said.

CVAW is a project funded by UNIFEM and implemented by many various institutions and coordinated by Profemmes Twese Hamwe.

She however dismissed as wrong calls that women be elevated to replace men at the top because it would worsen the situation.

"Women are beginning to play key roles in politics, community building and socio-economics in Rwanda, but still have many challenges ahead,” she said.

Currently women are forming networks and collaborating to pursue economic development, non-governmental assistance activities and initiatives for peace in the wake of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.
