FDLR pressed against the wall

The week begun with news indicating that the rebel Forces for the Democratic Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) is being pushed against the wall by a joint operation of the Rwanda Defence Forces and the Congolese army FARDC.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

The week begun with news indicating that the rebel Forces for the Democratic Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) is being pushed against the wall by a joint operation of the Rwanda Defence Forces and the Congolese army FARDC.

It was reported that the rag tag group had suffered several setbacks with a good number of their fighters killed in combat.  They also suffered a major set back when a top commander Lt. Colonel Anaclet Hitimana was killed in an ambush in the Masisi area.

In the ongoing operations in the eastern DR Congo, an assortment of communication equipment and guns were recovered from the rebels.

The operation is aimed at resolving the issue of the FDLR who are widely seen as the root cause of instability and conflict in eastern DR Congo.

EU observers release final report on elections

The European Union Election Observer Mission (EUEOM), early in the week released its final report on the parliamentary elections held in September last year.

Michael Cashman the chief observer presented the report at a function held at the Novotel Hotel in Kigali. He was reported saying that the country had implemented all the recommendations that were made in the past elections.

The EU team observed that the National Electoral Commission (NEC) carried out the process in an effective manner and deployed electoral personnel and material effectively.

NEC also carried out a commendable training exercise.
Sullivan summit planned for Kigali. It was reported that Rwanda will next year host the Leon H. Sullivan Summit.

It brings together the world’s political and business leaders, delegates representing national and international organizations and the academia. The summit will focus on Africa’s development.

First EAC retreat to be held in Rwanda

Early next month, Rwanda will host the first ever retreat for all institutions under the East African Community EAC.

Rwanda took over the chairmanship of the regional body last year, with President Paul Kagame taking over as chairman of the summit.

The minister of East African affairs was quoted in the press saying that the retreat will be held on February 9 and 10. She also revealed that all senior officials from all institutions affiliated to the body are expected to attend.

This is seen as a way of trying to bring together all the institutions of the EAC in order to create a harmonious working relationship between the organs.

Mutaboba joins UN system

The presidential envoy to the great lakes region Ambassador Joseph Mutaboba has been appointed as the representative of the United Nations secretary general to Guinea Bissau.

The appointment which was made by the UN chief Ban Ki Moon will see Mutaboba work as the Head of the United Nations Peace Building Support Office in the West African country.

Mutaboba joins the ranks of several Rwanda personalities who hold or have held top positions in the international system in recent years. He in a way personifies the confidence many international organizations have in Rwandan professionals.

Rwanda Germany officials to meet

It was also reported this week that Rwanda and Germany official are slated to meet on the sidelines of an African Union summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.

Foreign affairs minister Rosemary Museminali was quoted saying that the meeting would focus on how to renew diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Relations between the tow countries have been strained since the arrest of Rose Kabuye in Germany last year.
